Wednesday, January 5, 2011


     Greg Heffley is the second child with brothers Rodrick and Manny.
     Greg is starting middle school, which doesn’t go very well because many incidents happened on and before school started.  The first incident that interested me most was when Rodrick tricked Greg that it was the first day of school and that he was late already but realizes that it was still 3:00 am.  

In school, “The Cheese Touch” began.  It was probably an old moldy cheese that had fallen out a sandwich. It was touched and passed on to the next victim.  It “ended” when the last touch was on a certain Abe Hall, who moves to California.  The cheese however remains in the same spot at school. 

Greg kept on working hard to become popular but then, it is his friend, Rowley, who gets most (if not all) of the credit.  The same teenagers they teased during Halloween are back for revenge.  They force Rowley to eat the Cheese.  Greg gets away by lying and claiming he was allergic to dairy products.  The school is aware of the “loss” of the cheese!  Greg explains he removed the cheese to save his friend Rowley.  Greg and Rowley become best friends again.  Rowley is given the title as “Class Clown” for his “Zoo-Wee Mama” comics.             
Greg states at the end of the book that he threw away his yearbook and doesn't care about Rowley having the title of Class Clown, but if it goes to Rowley's head, Greg will remind him that he was the one who ate the Cheese and isn't afraid to tell the entire school about it.

I like Greg because he is very hardworking and sticks to what he wants and is very persevering even though he is naughty.  

          I was very entertained by this book.  I enjoyed reading it.  It was very realistic because the incidents can really happen in a person’s life.
          Like Greg, I aim for a certain goal but I definitely do not use a friend as a guinea pig.  School life is fun and to become popular, we have to earn it the proper way.

          I would like to recommend the book because it is very funny.  I want to recommend this book because the story encourages people to aim for a certain goal and to be able to reach that goal, we must earn and work hard for it.  The book is also very easy to read and understand.


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