Monday, January 3, 2011

Mates, Dates and Tempting Troubles

Cathy Hopkins

Do you have amazing friends that you wish you could have forever? Or would you trade them foe the one you love or at least you think you loved? This book contains all friendship, loyalty and romance. All suited for teenagers to read. The Mates, Dates and Tempting Troubles. Let us all read the happy smiles, joyous laughters and the tempting trouble that awaits them. 

Luke, the boy that Nesta has been dating declares passionate love foe Theresa Joanne ( TJ ) she doesn't know what hit her. She does her best to avoid him but when they have to do a school project together, she has no choice but to return to him on a regular basis. Misunderstandings and miscommunications happen as the girls are divided into two camps: Lucy and Nesta ; Izzie and TJ. Will their friendship survive? The major characters in the story are Nesta Williams, Izzie Foster and Lucy Lovering. Nesta is the hottest girl in their school. While, Lucy is a small but terrible woman. And, Izzie is a smart girl who loves astrology. While, the minor characters are Luke de Biasi , Sian, Olivia, and William.

The most interesting part was when Nesta, TJ and Luke are in one place and Luke gets so nervous he couldn't look at Nesta nor TJ.

My favorite character is Nesta because she is cool and at the same time she is smart and pretty. 

After reading this story, I felt that it is true when your friends are faithfu; and true to you, you feel so blessed that you have these friends.

I couldn't relate to all the boy stuff, but my friendship with my friends is so close and I want our friendship to last forever.

I would recommend this book for ages 13 and above because there are some words that are in the book that have some different meanings. But, this book can give you plenty of lessons especially for teenagers and all about love. 

- Lura Denisse Alconcel
- Louis Buhian
- Chanyl Jeah Louvkee Hernando
- Chris Henry Berandoy
- Ysabella Eunice dela Peña
- Rikki Mae Irish Dy
- Remae Angela Liu

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