Thursday, February 17, 2011


            I have a pet peeve.  My pet peeve is my pet parrot.  It is a cockatoo named Banana.

            Have you ever tried studying with something always irritating you?   Well, I have.  Everyday as I sit on my study table, a sudden swoosh of wind is felt by my shoulder.   With sharp claws, it walks through me as if I were a tree.  As I write, it lays its chin on the tip of my pen.  As I leave my table for a minute or two, gone is my pen and torn into pieces!  BANANA!  It is guilty!  My pen is instantly destroyed and lies on its acrylic mat.  Banana poses with a yellow crest and screeches when it wants attention.  My pet parrot surely drives me nuts.  I cannot concentrate at all!  It makes me go “bananas”!  Yup, that is its name.  

            Even if Banana bothers me while I study, I still love it so much.  Funny how its being annoying makes studying fun.  It is nice to have Banana around to add life while I study!  Banana is definitely my pet peeve. 

Noelle Hidalgo VI-St. Therese

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