Monday, February 21, 2011

My Pet Peeve

                   I really hate my sister. She always spanks me. She always get what she wants but I don't.

                   Most of the youngest child in the family are spoiled. They always get what they want. It is very annoying. I hate to be an older sibling. Noisy people are like living in the market. They are shouting and always makes noise.

                   If she really wants to play with me, I will also make noise with her. It would be fun if I'll play with her. I will keep her busy so that she will not make noise all the time.

Angelica Tan
6- St. Therese

Thursday, February 17, 2011


            I have a pet peeve.  My pet peeve is my pet parrot.  It is a cockatoo named Banana.

            Have you ever tried studying with something always irritating you?   Well, I have.  Everyday as I sit on my study table, a sudden swoosh of wind is felt by my shoulder.   With sharp claws, it walks through me as if I were a tree.  As I write, it lays its chin on the tip of my pen.  As I leave my table for a minute or two, gone is my pen and torn into pieces!  BANANA!  It is guilty!  My pen is instantly destroyed and lies on its acrylic mat.  Banana poses with a yellow crest and screeches when it wants attention.  My pet parrot surely drives me nuts.  I cannot concentrate at all!  It makes me go “bananas”!  Yup, that is its name.  

            Even if Banana bothers me while I study, I still love it so much.  Funny how its being annoying makes studying fun.  It is nice to have Banana around to add life while I study!  Banana is definitely my pet peeve. 

Noelle Hidalgo VI-St. Therese

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


     Greg Heffley is the second child with brothers Rodrick and Manny.
     Greg is starting middle school, which doesn’t go very well because many incidents happened on and before school started.  The first incident that interested me most was when Rodrick tricked Greg that it was the first day of school and that he was late already but realizes that it was still 3:00 am.  

In school, “The Cheese Touch” began.  It was probably an old moldy cheese that had fallen out a sandwich. It was touched and passed on to the next victim.  It “ended” when the last touch was on a certain Abe Hall, who moves to California.  The cheese however remains in the same spot at school. 

Greg kept on working hard to become popular but then, it is his friend, Rowley, who gets most (if not all) of the credit.  The same teenagers they teased during Halloween are back for revenge.  They force Rowley to eat the Cheese.  Greg gets away by lying and claiming he was allergic to dairy products.  The school is aware of the “loss” of the cheese!  Greg explains he removed the cheese to save his friend Rowley.  Greg and Rowley become best friends again.  Rowley is given the title as “Class Clown” for his “Zoo-Wee Mama” comics.             
Greg states at the end of the book that he threw away his yearbook and doesn't care about Rowley having the title of Class Clown, but if it goes to Rowley's head, Greg will remind him that he was the one who ate the Cheese and isn't afraid to tell the entire school about it.

I like Greg because he is very hardworking and sticks to what he wants and is very persevering even though he is naughty.  

          I was very entertained by this book.  I enjoyed reading it.  It was very realistic because the incidents can really happen in a person’s life.
          Like Greg, I aim for a certain goal but I definitely do not use a friend as a guinea pig.  School life is fun and to become popular, we have to earn it the proper way.

          I would like to recommend the book because it is very funny.  I want to recommend this book because the story encourages people to aim for a certain goal and to be able to reach that goal, we must earn and work hard for it.  The book is also very easy to read and understand.


Christmas Catastrophe by Geromino Stilton

Do you spend a lot of money during Christmas?
Do you want to spend your family?
This story is about spending your money during Christmas for you.

One day when Geronimo is busy. Someone knocked on the door when he opened it. He saw his nephew Benjamin wants to go for skating. So Geronimo agreed. Geronimo family wants to go too. Geronimo was worried because He has no money. When they arrived they rented a cottage and they had a overnight there. When they woke up in the morning Benjamin is very excited to go for skating. When they left and Geronimo stayed Geronimo didn't feel a happy Christmas when Benjamin plan a Christmas party and thanksgiving for Geronimo. He feel happy.

I feel that if you only spend your money for nothing. You have a useless Christmas. Spending your time with your family, friends you will realize the true Christmas. Just love your family and If we give gifts we have to give it with our hearts. Giving gift are not a important in Christmas if we will not give them, will not do it from our hearts. The story is adventures, this story has many problems like my life.

I recommend this book age 11-18 because it can help us realize what is truly Christmas is. This is also an interesting book and adventurous book.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

THE SMUGGLER by Piers Plowright

                     Have you experienced finding someone or something you like the most? Have you experience finding it for a long period of time? These things happen because of the irresponsibility of a person. This story contains adventure and mystery. A man, named Ezra, finds his precious thing, the head of Pharoah Chefren IV, which has been stolen recently. He continues to find it in mountains, in caves and even bridges.

                    One day, the head of the Pharoah Chefren IV was stolen by the brigands. Ezra was aghast because his precious thing was missing. According to his neighbors, they saw brigands stealing something. Ezra was huffy. On the other day, he saw a villanelle. It gave him an intimation of where the pilfered head was. So he read the poem and with the given hints, he saw the word "GOLABRIDGE". It is a bridge where most of the stolen things are kept. Then, he went to the bridge. There, he saw it and he was on cloud nine. He was very gay and lived merrily ever after.

                    In going over this anecdote, I felt very happy for the reason that Ezra had found his paramount thing. I also felt that I were in the story. By looking at Ezra's experiences, I, myself, has also experienced his experience. One day, I misplaced my Play Station 3 CD. I was woebegone. I asked my parents if they had seen my treasured CD, but unfortunately, they said no. On the day after the other day, I realized that I had deposited it inside my sister's escritoire. I was so demure and coy in that noteworthy experience.

                      I propone this book to juveniles with ages 8-12 years old. This book contains a lot of whodunit or mystery and peril or adventure. But truly it can be recommended for adults for its "mountain ranges" type of story.

                                                                             GROUP 1

                                                           ** GO, CHRISTIAN LAWRENCE Leader ☺
                                                           ** PUENTESPINA, INGRID
                                                           ** IGBALIC, ALLEIN LYLE
                                                           ** SORRERA, VINCE LEVI
                                                           ** MARCIAL, VANESSA JOYCE
                                                           ** OCAMPO, MIGUEL LUIS

 -----------               The End               -----------

Monday, January 3, 2011

Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: Buggy Breakout

       Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew: Buggy Breakout
                                   by: Carolyn Keene

          Do you know what a bess bug is? Have you ever seen one? If not, you will discover facts about a bess bug in this story of Nancy Drew and her friends Bess and George.

          Sonia's bess bug was stolen by another person. First they suspected that it was Carly who stole it because she wants to free all the bugs. Second was Michael L. They saw him with a bug cage that might be the place where he kept Sonia's bug. Third was Luna. They wondered why she should have the same cage as Sonia's. She may think that it might be easier for her to switch cages with Sonia and steal the bug.

          I felt that I was also a detective like Nancy together with her friends Bess and George. Nancy is a really good detective. She is very smart. We commonly use our common sense in times like this.

          Sometimes in my life someone stole my things. They even touch it without my permission. I also asked the help of my friends to investigate and find out who stole my things. I also get fussy when some of my things are lost or stolen.

          I can recommend this book to children ages 9-12 years old. I cannot recommend this book to high schoolers because the are too old for it. They might think it will be too boring.

Posted by:

Group 2-St. Therese

  • Angelica Tan
  • Francis Pastoral
  • Yssabel Al-os
  • Steven Co
  • Greeco Policarpio
  • Kathleen Ong

Mates, Dates and Tempting Troubles

Cathy Hopkins

Do you have amazing friends that you wish you could have forever? Or would you trade them foe the one you love or at least you think you loved? This book contains all friendship, loyalty and romance. All suited for teenagers to read. The Mates, Dates and Tempting Troubles. Let us all read the happy smiles, joyous laughters and the tempting trouble that awaits them. 

Luke, the boy that Nesta has been dating declares passionate love foe Theresa Joanne ( TJ ) she doesn't know what hit her. She does her best to avoid him but when they have to do a school project together, she has no choice but to return to him on a regular basis. Misunderstandings and miscommunications happen as the girls are divided into two camps: Lucy and Nesta ; Izzie and TJ. Will their friendship survive? The major characters in the story are Nesta Williams, Izzie Foster and Lucy Lovering. Nesta is the hottest girl in their school. While, Lucy is a small but terrible woman. And, Izzie is a smart girl who loves astrology. While, the minor characters are Luke de Biasi , Sian, Olivia, and William.

The most interesting part was when Nesta, TJ and Luke are in one place and Luke gets so nervous he couldn't look at Nesta nor TJ.

My favorite character is Nesta because she is cool and at the same time she is smart and pretty. 

After reading this story, I felt that it is true when your friends are faithfu; and true to you, you feel so blessed that you have these friends.

I couldn't relate to all the boy stuff, but my friendship with my friends is so close and I want our friendship to last forever.

I would recommend this book for ages 13 and above because there are some words that are in the book that have some different meanings. But, this book can give you plenty of lessons especially for teenagers and all about love. 

- Lura Denisse Alconcel
- Louis Buhian
- Chanyl Jeah Louvkee Hernando
- Chris Henry Berandoy
- Ysabella Eunice dela Peña
- Rikki Mae Irish Dy
- Remae Angela Liu